15 Minutes Can Make All The Difference / by Ryan Owen

I often have trouble explaining to my clients that timing is everything. I understand the desire to get things done when they are convenient. Or even more so, to get them done fast. It is hard to wait an extra hour, or day, for the right conditions. But there is no substitute for the right time of day. The sun is the single best light source a photographer can use and there is no substitute. If you look at the photos below you can see what a difference just 15 minutes can make.

Believe it or not the sun was out in both of these shots. It was not a cloud but the building on the right that was creating the shade. I took the photo below just to cover my bases in case the weather turned. During the rest of the shoot the shadow of the building moved across and illuminated the entire balcony. It made a huge difference. The photo above is clearly the better of the two. This effect is even more profound, and predictable, when shooting ocean front listings with a view. We know that the sun is only going to light up the balconies for so long in the morning. Which is why, if you are one of my clients, I have pushed you to hurry up with that coffee so we can get started shooting.