Real Estate Photographer
Real Estate Photography
Real Estate Video
Aerial Drone Photography
Fine Art
Photography Request
Real Estate Photography
Real Estate Video
Aerial Drone Photography
Fine Art
Photography Request
7805 Coastal Highway
Ocean City, MD, 21842
United States
First Name
Last Name
What is the FIRST thing I should do when I think I am going to want photos?
Fill out the Photography Request Form
Fill out the Photography Request Form
Fill out the Photography Request Form
How do I find out if there any available shoots next week?
Fill out the Photography Request Form
Fill out the Photography Request Form
It only takes 60 seconds!!! Just fill out the damn Photography Request Form!!!
How do I get an estimate for an upcoming shoot
Fill out the Photography Request Form
SMFH... Please just fill out the Photography Request Form
For the love of god it feels like I am taking crazy pills.
Now that we have that out of the way, How long does a standard shoot take?
0-30 min
30-60 min
60-90 min
90- 120 min
Can the Owners or Agent stay in the listing while the shoot is in progress?
Yes, by all means knock over my gear and get yourself in as many photos as possible
After a quick walk through everybody must leave.
When and where should cars be parked?
All cars should be out of the driveway and away from the listing 15 minutes prior to the scheduled shoot.
The car comes with the house so we will just leave it there.
What time should keys be made available for pick up?
Keys should be available for pickup by 7:30 am. In a lock box assessable office location.
We would rather spend half of our scheduled time driving to get the keys.
What is the cancellation policy?
More than 24 hours notice, no problem.
72 hours notice
Cancel anytime.
What is the penalty for late cancellations?
Same day cancellations are $50 fee. If I arrive at the listing and it needs to be cancelled $100.
Your first born child
$5 starbucks gift card.
One bitcoin
If the owners are going to present does the agent also need to show up?
No, but don't be surprised when they ask for $900 worth of extras and I oblige.
No, I will move the dead body myself.
What is the turn around time for photos and video?
48 hours for photos, 72 hours for video.
What is the fastest way to get on the schedule?
Fill out the Photo Request Form
Text a house emoji with a question mark
What do I do if I need to provide a code or additional instructions after the form has been submitted.?
Leave a voicemail that will not be heard until aliens excavate my phone and use it to provide snap shot of everyday life a millenia ago.
Send a random string of numbers in a text with no context.
Add it to the email thread for that listing. The email thread is reviewed immediatly prior to each shoot.
How long does the Photographer spend on setup and break down for each listing. Checkbox
For a standard 2 hour shoot. 15 minutes is spent setting up (turning on lights, opening blinds, straightening chairs etc) After 15 minutes shooting must start regardless of the condition. 10 minutes is spent locking up and shutting down Roughly 25% of each shoot is dedicated to setup.
No time at all. We walk in and go click.
We have all the time in the world to clean windows and make beds. We might as well not book any other shoots so we can sweep the patio.
Lastly, If a pillow, or shower curtain or trash can is out of place whose fault is it?
The photographer, who also doubles as a cleaning service and stager. He has unlimited time to rearrange your listing.
The agent's. The listing should be staged the way you would like it to appear in photos. Hide Dog bowls and TV cords if you do not want them in the photos.
Thank you!